Oakwood Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

We try our best to make the enrolment process as simple and straight forward as possible. Acceptance at Oakwood is based, to some degree on a child’s performance at their previous school and our evaluation of how well the applicant would fit into the Academy’s culture.

Our typical class size is 25 learners per class in Forms 1 to 4 and 18 per class in Lower and Upper 6.

Each academic year havs 3 classes.

Oakwood has one registered uniform supplier, Glen Abbey in Arundel Village, Mount Pleasant. Full uniform details are provided when a place is offered.

Oakwood offers a curriculum that is based on the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) curriculum

We offer – Global Perspectives, Accounting, Art and Design, Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics.

Our fees are as follows:

Form 1 to Form 4:             $1770.00 paid before the first day of term

Lower 6 and Upper 6:        $1950.00 paid before the first day of term

A desk fee is applicable for enrolments and is based on a proportion of the termly fees.

Learners who are enrolled at Oakwood are able to register for extracurricular activities that are provided by partner organisations. We work with these organisations in order to ensure that activities are of the highest quality.

Oakwood has a tuck-shop that serves light meals during the day.

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